Molly Otto and UKnowMyDaddyIsSlick’s run to clinch Round 2 and the Average of the Fizz Bomb Classic BCB Futurity!

Molly Otto and UKnowMyDaddyIsSlick’s run to clinch Round 2 and the Average of the Fizz Bomb Classic BCB Futurity!

Molly and Uknowmydaddyisslick by Slick By Design earned $8,325 and $2500 for the breeders

1st Go 3rd place 15.221   $ 825
2nd  Go 1st place 15.030 $1,500
Avg. 1st place 30.251        $6,000  / $2,500

💰 Not bad for $300 in entry fees, and not a single yearly nomination fee!💰

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