DDPAL Pussy "willoW"
2010 Buckskin Filly Good luck Jolene! Can't wait to see the pair on the futurity trail!
Full of great foundation breeding including Orphan Drift, Poco Judy Sue, Two Eyed Jack, Poco Speedy, Frostys War Chief, High Rolling Roany, and Drifts Chip. Up to date with vaccinations, worming, and trimming. Super sweet filly who is very eager to please!
Frostys War Chief
1985 Buckskin Stallion
15 h
AQHA #2353431
25% Driftwood
21.875% Joe Hancock
4/5/12: 1st Ride. Super laid back! No buck/jump/spook. Loves the attetion!
2/19/12: Saddled for the 1st time.
Saddled her and ponied down the driveway like she had done it 100 times before.
Registration #: 5296490
Super friendly Driftwood bred filly!
1st ride 4/5/12
1st time being saddled: 2/19/12
Tuff Enuf Ranch &
Productions, LLC
960 Bunyan Ave.
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
715.857.6343[email protected]