Training horse Snapper stepping UP!!!

Training horse Snapper stepping UP!!!

Training horse Snapper stepped up to the plate big time this weekend! He went from lost, misplaced steps Friday to more confident, sharp rockstar Saturday and Sunday! 
Friends, I want to encourage you to trust the process....I’ll share his Friday run in the comments. You’ll see he wasn’t sure what he was doing, but very willing. Saturday morning we did a few exhibitions to help him find his tracks and get more confident in where we want him to go...I could feel the light switch for him during the exhibitions! He felt AMAZING! Used himself correctly and went from wandering to hunting the barrels! 
When he arrived at our place, he wouldn’t lope a fluid circle....fall in, fade out...put his nose to the outside, drop his shoulder, let his hind end fall out...we did a lot of circles on hills. He learned to naturally carry himself correctly...and it’s showing in the competition pen!

Today I’d like to encourage you to take your the process...the time it takes is the time it never know when the breakthrough will patient but not passive... and ENJOY THE RIDE!


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